Celebrating Doctor's week with Dr. Joseph Schad


Celebrating Doctor's Week - Dr. Joseph Schad - Family Practice Physician at PDH

In celebration of Doctor's Week, PG电子APP正在分享它对一些工作人员进行的采访. Following is an interview with Dr. Joseph Schad.

Who are you and what do you do?

"My name is Joseph Schad. 我是一名41岁的家庭医生,有4个孩子和一个完美的妻子. We are very busy with kids and we love it."


“You know, it’s strange. 凯伦和我总是在地图上寻找离她家近一点的加州乡村小镇. 昆西在地图上,PG电子官网对这个地区很感兴趣. PG电子官网从未去过昆西,但PG电子官网一直在关注那里. After residency, PG电子官网收到了很多招聘邮件,昆西在我的邮件里出现了,但我没有看到. 我妻子看着我的邮件问道:“你打算去昆西吗?” I’m like, “no, why?然后她提到了我电脑上打开的招聘PG电子APP家庭执业医生的电子邮件. 有一次,我想起昆西是PG电子官网在实习前考察过的城镇, I said, “Oh sweet, well I should do an audition rotation!” So I did two weeks of rotations with Dr. Morgan and Dr. Satterfield in October of 2014. I just fell in love with the area. And here we are.”


“我想实践全方位的家庭医学,这是我所接受的培训. 我想接生孩子,在医院工作,在急诊室和诊所轮班. 我还想住在一个小镇上,那里有我喜欢的东西:滑雪, backcountry, and backpacking. It offered everything that I wanted. 我的妻子是一名药剂师,当时医院正在招聘一名药剂师. It was perfect.”


“People know each other here. 昆西给人的感觉是人们更加亲切和尊重. There is a lot more waving going on than honking. 你可以在外面看到你认识的人,就像你去市政厅剧院看电影一样. I like that. It’s has a sense of true community.”


“能够在这里做更多的全方位家庭医学,这让我比在大城市做的更多样化. 在这里,你也有去社区看望你治疗的人的好处. There is an extra connection there. You also have the opportunity to perform home visits. 这种事在大城市是不会发生的. 在现实世界中,你很少或可能永远见不到你的病人. 在这里,PG电子官网可以为病人提供一些额外的服务. 我在PG电子APP和好人一起工作. I enjoy working in both the hospital and the clinic. 它可以帮助治疗一些你在诊所里看不到的急性疾病. 我认为这会让你成为一个更好的医生,从长远来看,它最终会让病人受益.”

你是一名对整骨疗法特别感兴趣的整骨疗法医生. 你会如何描述你对不熟悉的人所做的事情? 你能举一个病人需要见你的例子吗?

“在医学院,你学的是西医的基础课程. 该课程包括在医学院头两年的8小时操作训练. 我认为整骨疗法的好处是观察肌肉骨骼系统, 并且想办法帮助病人在不使用注射和药物治疗的情况下康复. How can we manipulate the body to help it heal itself?

People are familiar with Chiropractic adjustments, 其中包括许多高速技术,如破裂和爆裂. 另一方面,有软组织技术,速度低,能量低. For example, 你把病人放在一个特定的身体位置,然后让他们收缩肌肉, 哪个可以帮助移动肋骨或其他身体部位,帮助他们感觉更好或减少肌肉痉挛. 它是PG电子APP恢复肌肉骨骼系统的对称性,希望有更好的功能和更少的疼痛, without using more invasive techniques. 当病人感到身体疼痛时,它帮助我进行诊断.”

What do you find challenging in the work that you do?

“Many folks don’t want to go and see a specialist. It is challenging, 因为PG电子官网会尽PG电子官网最大的努力来处理这个问题直到病人去看专家. Then the patient feels that we are doing a good job, and that they no longer need to see the specialist. 有一些具体的事情应该由专家来管理. Take A-Fib, Atrial fibrillation, for example. 心房纤颤=最常见的心律失常治疗类型. 心律失常是指心脏跳动过慢、过快或不规律.)

过去的标准做法是,PG电子官网会给病人服用减慢心率的药物. Now, 病人应该服用一些心律控制药物, 但在接受治疗之前,他们需要由专家进行检查. When patients don’t see the specialist, 结果是他们本应得到的护理被延误了.”

What do you find rewarding about your work?

“人们通常会感激你能帮助他们改善健康状况. 能够以这种方式帮助别人是非常私人的. It’s fun to be a part of that. 与在城市诊所工作相比,我也能更深入地了解我的病人. I have more of a relationship with my patients. It makes you slow down and spend more time with them.” 


“When I first got here, and I was on call, 我一天内两次被叫进手术室协助手术. Each surgical procedure lasted 2+ hours. It was bizarre. That day I was doing hospital medicine, clinic visits, one of my patients was in labor around that time, and I ended up in the Operating Room for 4 hours. That’s “full spectrum” medicine for you.”

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